Happy New Year!

I love the new year. It brings an expectancy, a freshness, and a hope for new opportunities. A new year’s resolution is not a bad thing; if nothing else, it is an acknowledgement of a need in your life. Have you recognized that you need to work on your health or your professional situation? Have you determined to foster more relationships or improve certain key relationships? As you recognize needs and make plans to address them, please don’t leave out your greatest human need – Jesus Christ. If you have never been saved, I invite you to know Christ by contacting us or visiting the Our Savior page. If you are a child of God, what are your plans to grow in Christ this year? As you know, vague statements like “go to the gym more” don’t really pan out; neither does “go to church more” or “read my Bible more.” Make specific goals: “I will attend church three times a week in 2016.” “I will read my Bible for 15 minutes every morning before breakfast.” Growing in Christ is the greatest goal you could have, but like all worthy goals, it will take dedication to pursue that goal. The greatest aspect of such a worthy goal is that you are not “going it alone.” The grace that Christ gives is the power and ability to do God’s will. Christ will enable you to draw close to Him as He will draw closer to you (James 4:6-8). Also, like with other goals, ask someone or a group of people to be your accountability partners. Take every step possible to help you meet your goal of knowing Christ and showing Christ this year.

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