We are so blessed to be able to minister to other people! It’s a blessing to focus on what God has given us and then to focus on how we can give to someone else. I am so very pleased with the results of Project Thankful Giving. Our church donated five FULL meals to folks who needed help this year! People in our church came together, donating turkeys, vegetables, potatoes, rolls, and “the fixins” so that those in our community could enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with their families.
Remember that everyone can care. No special skill is required; caring can be a note, a word of encouragement, or spending time with someone. Caring doesn’t have to be “mushy;” caring can be fixing someone’s plumbing, mowing someone’s lawn, or giving someone a ride. Caring doesn’t necessarily require a large amount of time, a large amount of intelligence, or a large amount of influence. Caring requires a form of love. Simply be interested in someone and do for them what you hope someone would do for you or someone you love one day. This is the spirit of the second greatest Bible command: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”