Remembering Dale Nansen

Remembering Dale – Excerpts from testimonies of family and friends “Building a father and daughter relationship with my father has shown me what an amazing man he was.” “We shared some birthdays, Christmas, and picnics in Kansas with kids’ games and programs. He was always a great cheerleader. He had been an athlete in high …

Fall is here!

It’s been a great year so far at Lighthouse Baptist Church! We’ve had a lot of great events and the sound Biblical truths from our recent revival meeting are still echoing in our hearts. As we continue into the fall season, plan to be a part of every service, to attend the activities, and to be sure …

Brand New Website!

It’s taken a while, but now we have our brand new website up and running! It will take some time to work out the bugs and get everything going where it should, so thanks for your patience as I figure everything out. If you see a problem or have a suggestion, please let me know by …